Parallel Life The Game Of Mysterious World

Can you imagine what will happen to you in your future? Think if someone have or had same life as you have. Yes, two or more people can have same life it maybe that that person have already experienced it or he is experiencing it. One of the most exciting and interesting topics to speculate about our life, what will and what will not happen in future. The way our life is and the way we experience it might not be same. It maybe what will happen to you in future had already happened with someone, maybe your whole life is as same as any other person. Different people have different type of lifestyle person may be rich or poor. But their life may be same to you or anybody else. Some time this happen two people have same future same past and same present. This is one of the most exciting possibilities of our life. But think what we never experienced anyone else already experienced it. How interesting it is.

Two types of parallel life:-

1. Similarities in life of two person

2. Similarities in life of a dead person and of alive person.

One of the most discussed example of parallel life is Abraham Lincoln and Jhon F Kennedy they had 100 years age gap but the both had same life. It’s true they both bad the same life. Read the text written of image

As you can see similarities between their life.

Another example is

Paul Amadeus Dienach who had gone into a coma in 1921 for one year.

One of the amazing true life incident of a parallel life was experienced by a Swiss/Austrian teacher named Paul Amadeus Dienach who had gone into coma in
1921 for one year and his consciousness lived a parallel life in 3906 CE in body of another man of that time. This amazing experience was recorded by him in his diary that he handed over to his greek
student who deciphered the diary and got to know about the parallel life of his teacher during his coma. The book is now available in English called “Chronicles from the future“, the amazing story of Paul Amadeus Dienach, I have read it and was truly amazed by this rare human record of a parallel life.

This is how parallel life exist in this amazing and mysterious world. I can’t say everyone have a parallel person who have same life as compared to you. If you know a person who is experiencing or experienced same life as you so you can know lot about your life and future.

Thanks for reading article
