Role of Nature in Prevention of Global Pandemic Covid-19

The Role of Nature in 
Prevention of Global 
Pandemic (Covid-19)
Everyone knows our P.M. has declared Lockdown. And it is important to break the chainof global pandemic Covid-19.Social distancing is a critical means to break the cycle of covid-19. But anyone don’t know when Lockdown will  end.During lockdown various 
psychological problems like anxiety, depression andpanic disorder, the covid-19 pandemic has caused severe threats to the lives and physical and mental health of 
people all over the world. One of the best way to overcome of this problem is to get connected with nature according to scientist connecting with nature fells us happier and more  energised ,it makes our task seem more manageable and easy.
Nature based activities:-

1.You can do gardening to improve your mental and physical health. Gardening have been used as mental and physical health treatment 
from centuries.

2. Slow movement such as the ripples of water or cloud moving across the sky place effortless demand on your work and helps you to overcome on depression. Researchers call this treatment soft fascination of nature.

According to research, our bodies physically become calmer while in nature. Our heart rate, muscle tension, and production of stress hormones reduce—meaning we’re able to process our surroundings in a less agitated state, and in turn feel more at ease. This sense of calm as a result of experiencing nature is especially helpful during today’s widespread 
sense of collective hardship.By experiencing the novelty that taking a walk in nature around our home has to offer, we’re better able to blow off some of that steam. It helps us to create space from the negative emotions associated with being confined to our homes.

Tips for getting most out of 
nature during COVID-19:-

1. Moving throughout the day is an important part of taking care of yourself, and that could include a walk, hike or run in a neighbourhood

2. Enjoying nature can be 
achieved as simply as going out in a backyardand talking to neighbours from a distance. Or you can do a bit more by planting a tree or flowers.

3. You can create structure for your day 
by engaging in nature as part of a morning or 
evening ritual — or both in your gardens. 

4. Nature can help you disconnect, wind down 
and take a break from the news.

5. If you’re sheltering in place in an urban area and cannot easily 
access natural spaces, 
seek out nature videos 
and recordings of 
natural sounds.

6. Take a virtual tour of a 
National Park with help 
of your mobile or VR 

7.Watch some natural 
green colour to keep 
your eyes safe and to 
keep yourself cool.