Don't worry it will not hurt you.

Right now everyone is using technology for doing their work faster. Technology is one of the fastest way to complete your work in a easy way. People are using technology for completing their assignment, their official work, for writing articles, for communication, writing online, all governmental works now days are done online. 

As people are doing their work online on web so there are also some persons who do illegal work by taking out details this is called hacking. Each and every day about 500 or more than it people get attacked by hackers. 
People don't know what ever they do online they left their some information on web which they don't left it by their permission this is called keyloggers or footprints. Through this any hacker or person who do illegal work can take out their detail which hackers can use for doing any crime, Cyber bullying and for other cyber crime. 
Now day everyone is doing their financial work online on web. The footprint left by people on web hacker can use these footprints to take out your money or other bank details. 

Types of Cyber Crime

  1. Hackin
  2. Identity theft
  3. Scamming
  4. Computer virus attacking
  5. Ransom Ware
  6. DDos attack
  7. Botnets
  8. Phishing
  9. Malvertising
  10. Cyber stalking
  11. Cyber bullying

Spreading rumours. Only taking out any person's details illegally, using anyone's details for doing illegal work is not cyber crime. Spreading rumours online on web or on social media is also a cyber crime. Now days everyone is using social media but some people spread some unusual rumours which get viral easily and people think they are real. And it became a fear for sometimes. So please be safe from these rumours and don't spread rumours it is a big cyber crime. Following anyone on web Anonymously is also a cyber crime which is called Cuber stalking. Mos of the victims of cyber stalking are women and children Being followed by men and pedophiles.  

Checking out anyone privacy is also a cyber crime.You can't check anyone's mobile it is said to be a cyber crime